In a nice departure from the routine, I was able to spend about 5 minutes watching a Merlin eat its (unlucky) lunch in a tall Cottonwood north of the lake over the lunch hour. After finishing the meal, it perched at the very tip of the massive tree for several minutes, looking a bit bedraggled in the light drizzle. Afterwards, it sped north out of the park.
Apparently, somebody from the park has installed a new Wood Duck nest box along the west bank of the lake.
This is the first box that I've seen that is not mounted 10+ feet up on a tree trunk. Aside from potential disturbance from people and dogs, it looks like a nice location for a Wood Duck box.
I'd still love to see some Purple Martin houses put up at the park. There are some new Purple Martin houses that were recently installed at nearby Lake Hiawatha, so it'll be interesting to see whether they're successful at attracting Purple Martins in the next year or two. This is most definitely a song I'd be happy to hear regularly around the park during the summertime.