Since it's been a while since my last post, I'll just include a brief list of some of the notable species I've seen in the last couple of weeks (species I've never seen before marked with a *, species that i've not seen at powderhorn before marked with a +). Notice the relatively large number of flycatchers and unfortunately low numbers of warblers:
- black-crowned night-heron
- cooper's hawk
- spotted sandpiper
- chimney swift
- olive-sided flycatcher
- eastern wood-pewee+
- yellow-bellied flycatcher*
- least flycatcher
- great crested flycatcher
- blue-headed vireo*
- red-eyed vireo
- eastern bluebird
- swainson's thrush*
- orange-crowned warbler
- nashville warbler
- american redstart
- common yellowthroat
- lincoln's sparrow
- white-crowned sparrow+
- baltimore oriole+